Sunday, May 2, 2010


FAMILY . . .

Though the definitions have become varied over time, and the perception of it sometimes skewed, the feeling within one remains constant. There is much to be said about families - big ones, small ones, mixed ones, messed-up ones - all different yet very much the same.

I couldn't tell you how many times I've been asked the "when are you two going to have babies?" question since Kyle and I got married. Everyone seems to think that we have to have children in order to be a family, that kids are the key to unlock your happy future. I don't neccessarily disagree with the fact that children do make up a large portion of the "traditional family", I just would like to clarify one thing:

We are already a family! The moment Kyle and I said "I do" we were officially a family - and we haven't stopped growing since. Although we are planning to add human children to the mix, I'd like to introduce you to my "kids":

First was Natalie, a mega-fluffy paperwieght that first served as a "comfort creature" - so I wouldn't be afraid of my empty home.

Shortly after came Tiffanie, a curious little fireball covered in multi-colored tabby-striped patches.

A couple years later, our move from Colorado to Missouri opened doors to a whole new set of adoptions. We took in Kit, a big, fluffy, lovey kitty that was already four years old.

Then the dogs: Quincie and Callie. Two little trouble makers that have taught us more than we ever thought we could learn from canines.

And finally, the newest additions, Charlie and Stephanie. Given to us by the local stray, these two out of a litter of five became permanent members of our little zoo.

My thought is this:

A family is not just its members, but it is love. An embodiment of love that you can never replace or erase.
And it doesn't matter if that love is four-legged or covered in fur or scratches up the door jambs - it is still love.

And will always be my FAMILY.

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