Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is only the beginning . . .

Here I am, finally entering the real world -- I now have a BLOG! Even the word "blog" sounds out of my realm of expertise.
But here I am, ready to send my thoughts and feelings and life out into cyberspace.

Why did I choose the name Tied to my Heart Strings? I thought about all the things I would write about and all the things that I wouldn't, and decided on blogging about all that I hold dear. I have a heart necklace filled with things that I love, things that are close to my heart.
Then I was thinking about that expression, "tugging at my heart strings". I don't want the things in my life to just tug those strings and let go again. I don't want to be moved momentarily by something only to have the feeling pass all too quickly. I want to be permanently inspired by all that touches me -- so I shall tie those things to my heart strings; so they will tug on them every single day of my life.

Will anybody read it? Will they even care? Who knows -- I don't! But all I can do is write and post, write and post, write and post. Maybe it will reach someone. Maybe it will touch someone. Maybe, just maybe, it will inspire someone to consider what is tied to their heart strings -- what to tie tighter and what to let go.

So let the adventure begin!!


  1. I am totally excited to start this adventure with you! I love you.

  2. Brianne you are awesome and you are doing a wonderful job on your blog. I have actually been reading everything on it and it does inspire me in more ways than one. 1. to obtain a deeper relationship with my God and Savior. 2. to get to know my wife so well that we can complete each other's sentences. 3. to always remember my friends, like you and Kyle. 4. to write for pleasure as soon as I am done writing for school. Finally to love people right where they are.

    Thanks Friend

    Jon Wailes

  3. Brianne~

    Just another thing that you are amazing at...I love it and I love you. Keep the memories coming!

    Aunt Jen
